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About Us is a web unique type gaming website that offers prepaid mobile recharge and PayPal cash for free for doing what you already do online: playing games online, registering on websites, watching vidoes, commenting on games, sharing games, rating or being social, being promoter etc. In simple word Gamerzity is a "City of Gamers" where you can get mobile recharges, money or gifts for free.

How do we provide you free mobile recharge, money or gifts?

Most of the times, knowingly or unknowingly, you might have clicked on banner ads or text ads on any website and have made registration or bought something from the advertiser's website. In general, when you reach advertiser's website by clicking on an advertisement and make interest there or visit there, advertiser pays to the intermediary ad network like google adwords or mochimeda and they in turn pay to the website owner. Here, from the money that's being charged from advertiser for every single sale or registration, some money goes to the ad network and some to the website owner.

On Gamerzity, the revenues that we get from the ad networks i.e, Adword or Mochimedia or virool. From that we recharge our users mobile or pay them cash and some money we pay for the maintenance of gamerzity apart to our staffs, developers and designers. that is how our system works.

As many users play different online games in all websites and got nothing just fun, but here we respect your time and whatever you spend on gamerzity. we will give you points to get your mobile recharge for free as well as make friends and got social here. there is totally no hidden fees or any charge to use gamerzity. its all free to use and you can use your points any time to fill your mobile topup.

Minimum amount to request free mobile recharge is only Rs.10 supports all indian mobile operators.

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Follow These Simple steps to Get Free Mobile Recharge here:
  1. Play any Single Online Game For 3 min ~ 5 Paisa / Game [Play Now]
  2. Login daily and get upto 30 paise in Gwallet for just login
  3. Complete any Offer and earn upto Rs.1 - Rs.1000 [Go]
  4. Free Mobile Recharge by Playing LuckGame - 1 paisa ~ Rs.3 per box[Play Now]
  5. Post and Reply in forum and Get Upto Rs.10 [Forum]
  6. Free Mobile Recharge by Reading Article [Read]
  7. Invite your friends to gamerzity and get 5% lifetime earning from referral
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