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Office Man

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Office Man

Office Man

Axel was hired in a mission to restore all the technical issues in an office building with a bussiness runned by an insurance company. In every floor there is a mission that Axel has to perform in order to progress further to the next level of the building. Solve different puzzles along the way which require to switch items and combine them together in order to acheive the right sufficient result. As you progress, the little stroy the game is involved is exposed to a twist turn, revealing a secret the company holds and hide from it's workers. Will Axel distinguish to prove he is worthy to deal with the company he is hired into? Find out by playing Office Man. And off course, there are achievements to unlock and little secrets to find out along the game itself

Date added: 2014-02-12

Instructions: Your goal is to solve the task that is given to Axel in any of the 15 floors of the game.

As this is a quest game, Axel has a small inventory and can carry items which he can combine with other items as well as activating different equipment, doing so is by picking an item with Z. Choosing it on the inventory with X and then using the item on another item by pressing Z again. As all items are combined in a required way, Axel can move into an upper floor until he confronts the C.E.O and his final mission to him.

Tags: Axel  puzzle  adventure  office  man  work  building  floors  quest  solve  tasks  papers  computers  management  job  solving  NirKatzir  נירקציר  en


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